January 31, 2016

Sleep training work in progress

Baby Milk started sleeping through the night when she was about 2 months old, which is amazing!

However, she'd always been hard to put to sleep and an especially terrible napper. She only napped when held or worn and usually the nap lasted 25 minutes exactly.

This is something I've been working hard to change.

Two weeks ago I accidentally discovered that Milk can, in fact, fall asleep all by herself. That time I was putting her in the crib asleep and she woke up - but I really, REALLY needed to pee, so I told the baby "nighty night," and left.

Bewildered by the lack of bawling, I came back 3 minutes later to find her fast asleep.
Since that fateful night, I've been putting the baby in her crib awake every night, and she would magically fall asleep.

*Self soothing - Achievement unlocked*

Now I'm working on her naps and it's not as easy. We got the self soothing down pat, BUT, Milk just won't stay asleep. 25 minutes is all I get, and then she'd start fussing.

I used to let her fuss it out for a few minutes, but the baby found a way to outsmart me. Now she flips to her tummy, gets stuck that way, and then screams.

Baby Milk, don't you think it's time to learn tummy-to-back?

January 22, 2016

Hair hair everywhere!

I washed my hair the other day.

That wouldn't be a dramatic occasion for most people, but it is to me! At that point I haven't washed or combed my hair in 3 weeks. Gross? Yes it is.

When I finally got to it, in the shower, I discovered that a large patch of hair dreaded, and had to detangle it.

By the way my hair is curly and butt length...

I also suffer from postpartum shedding.

If you're either a longhair or a mom, you probably know where this is going. It was pure misery. The ordeal took me 2.5 hours and produced a wig-sized hairball in the drain, big enough to make hubby gasp when he saw it.

Lesson learned. Too bad I didn't take a picture.

January 17, 2016

Weight loss, unwanted?

Since starting my elimination died, I've been steadily losing weight.

It's been a month, on the diet (god, I miss my chocolates) and I'm 5 kilos lighter than pre-baby weight, lighter than I've been in 10 years.

I feel self-satisfied about the weight loss, in a way that disturbs me. I was never overweight, my old weight was healthy and fine, the new skinniness will not last when I'll be able to eat normally... and yet!

Really disappointed in myself for buying into the skinny standard of beauty. I don't want to be proud of my unhealthy weight loss, but I am.

January 16, 2016

Green poop woes

The elimination diet I previously wrote about? Not working!

Despite me eating an extremely restricted diet for a month, baby Milk still has green diapers every day, all day, blood traces every other day. I'm starting to think it's not an allergy after all.

Just in case it IS an allergy, I ordered a book about dealing with allergic babies... Should arrive any day now, and maybe I'll get some insight and ideas.

Milk's doctor finally took me seriously and ordered poop testing. I do hope it comes back with some answers. Preferably something easy to treat, but at this point any clear answer will be welcome.

January 1, 2016

Finally figured out the Moby

Baby Milk is 3 month old, and I just figured out why she used to hate her Moby Wrap so much.

Turns out I wasn't positioning her legs correctly. Baby's legs need to be spread wide apart and supported knee to knee. The bottom should be positioned below the knees.

No wonder she used to scream Iike a banshee, she was uncomfortable! Sorry, baby.

Once I finally got it right, baby Milk really took to the wrap and spent a lot of this last week being worn. Yay!

It's hard on my back, but I love it!